Jack Dorsey would be Satoshi: The Secret of the Bitcoins designer has started with new evidence

Jack Dorsey would be Satoshi: The Secret of the Bitcoins designer has started with new evidence

Sean Murray will launch the theory that Jack Dorsey would be Satoshi Nakamoto by emphasizing the coincidences and technical guides associated with bitcoins and the life of Dorsey. Details such as the IP address in California, time at 4:00 on Twitter, and the Bitcoin address “JD2M” strengthen the suspicion around Dorsey. Despite these traces, criticism … Read more

Pressure Bitcoin: Analysts anticipate the immediate phase of a reduction

Pressure Bitcoin: Analysts anticipate the immediate phase of a reduction

12h00 ▪ 4 min at reading ▪ FENELON L. The Krypto market is currently experiencing a period of uncertainty, while bitcoins that have recently achieved historical heights show signs of weakness. Krypto and experts identified disturbing indicators indicating the possible upcoming lower phase. Warning signals multiply on a bitcoin market 15 February 2025 was published … Read more

Argentina opens an investigation after the scandal of the same weight


After yesterday’s debacle, the President of Argentina Javier ordered an investigation. The aim is to throw light on the crimes and possible crimes of every actor at the beginning of the same. https://cryptoast.fr/feed/ https://cryptoast.fr/argentine-ouvre-enquete-apres-scanale-memecoecine-libra/ Argentina is investigating the launch of the pound This weekend after his collapse talked about the same pound While Argentine President … Read more

What is Ripple’s Stablecoin Rlusd?


Ripple, known for XRP cryptocurrency, will enter the centralized stable market. Will he be able to persuade the crypto community and stand out from the main players such as USDT and USDC? https://cryptoast.fr/feed/ Qu’est-ce que le stablecoin RLUSD de Ripple ? What is Rlusd? Ripple USD (RUSD) is a centralized stablecoin released by Ripple, also … Read more

Crypto: FBI will save $ 285 million victims

Crypto: FBI will save $ 285 million victims

Level up. The digital revolution carried by cryptocurrencies is an unprecedented opportunity for all kinds of fraudsters. That is why it is necessary to double their prudence in the face of iron promises that are too important to be honest. Because financial consequences can be catastrophic. That is why the FBI has just announced that … Read more

Tether invests in Juventus football club

Tether investit dans le club de football de la Juventus

This week Tether renewed his desire to diversify his investment and participation in the Juventus club. We suit. https://cryptoast.fr/feed/ https://cryptoast.fr/tehert-invest-club-faotball-juventus/ Tether enters the capital of Juventus Friday, Tether announced that he invested in the legendary football club Turin, football club Juventus. The USDT transmitter therefore believes that this minority acquisition should ”Allow synergy between sport … Read more

Carpet pull in Argentina? Javier Milei supports the same thing that collapses 95 %

Rug pull en Argentine ? Javier Milei fait la promotion d’un memecoin qui s’effondre de 95 %

While Javier Milei, President of Argentina, promoted the same named pound, the last price collapsed after a significant recovery. What happened? https://cryptoast.fr/feed/ https://cryptoast.fr/rug-pull-argentine-jjavier-milei-promotion-mecoin-effendre-95/ The same pound promoted Javier Milei collapses During the night from Friday to Saturday, Javier Milei promoted the same on his account x. Interesting party explained that the “project” called Libra will … Read more

BTC: Hyperliquide Revolutionizes its ecosystem using a bitcoin point exchange through a unit

hyperliquid guide

Hyperliquide launches the BTC on-seating point exchange through the unit, facilitates deposits, selections and direct trading from portfolies or centralized accounts. The unit centralizes native deposits in one click, shoe trading and integrated derivatives and simplified access to the liquidity of USDC. Despite its safe architecture (MPC, TSS, Guardian Network), the unit evokes a unit … Read more